Lotusphere2007: DXL Innovations Contest - Winner
We have a winner!
Mike Sabo submitted a great idea about working with ACLs via DXL. ACLs are often not thought of as Notes/Documents. Representing them in the way he describes gives a quick and easy way to represent the data they hold.
Here's his entry, ACLorg:
Given a database and the NAB(s) this app will generate a Hierarchical representation of the Groups and Users who have access. Useful for discovering nested groups and users. Colors used to represent different levels of access.
Thanks to everyone that participated! I'll be posting the other entries in a bit.
Mike Sabo submitted a great idea about working with ACLs via DXL. ACLs are often not thought of as Notes/Documents. Representing them in the way he describes gives a quick and easy way to represent the data they hold.
Here's his entry, ACLorg:
Given a database and the NAB(s) this app will generate a Hierarchical representation of the Groups and Users who have access. Useful for discovering nested groups and users. Colors used to represent different levels of access.
Thanks to everyone that participated! I'll be posting the other entries in a bit.